Healthy Life Warriors

A self-discovery and holistic life self-care coaching program to bring about the healthy harmonious and fulfilling life you seek.

With accountability and guidance, personal coaching may be the right way to get from A to Z!

Make the changes you have been wanting to address happen once and for all!

Create and reach your objectives:

  • Self-care of mind and body: weight, nutrition change, physical activity, sleep, negative emotions and stress reduction, mindfulness and personal development


  • Life self-care: personal organization, home environment, relationships, finances, career and other personal projects

Coaching sessions are, simply and conveniently, held on the phone via Whatsapp or by video-conference on Zoom.


Are you ready to improve your well-being and revitalize your energy,? Or you don’t know how to start your journey towards a healthier more balanced life? 
I am offering you a complimentary Discovery session of Holistic Health Coaching.

Ready to take a step towards feeling better in your skin and in your mind, and reclaiming your vitality? 
Get your FREE Healthy Breakfast Recipes to energize your mornings at work,
when you sign up for my mind and body health newsletter.
Breakfast 2 fruits and bread
Breakfast 1 yogurt and chia